Momentum Trading Full Package

- By Vishvesh Chauhan
- Difficulty | Intermediate
- Technical Analysis & Derivatives Trading
- Recorded
- Recorded | 4 Parts
- Mix of Hindi & English
- 15996 INR
Learning Objective
This is a pack of four webinars which will teach you how to scan stocks with momentum and how to ride them.
- Intra-day and Positional option buying.
- Intraday and Positional future trading.
- How to chose right option strike price expiry.
- Learn when to enter and how to ride the momentum.
- Learn options data analysis.
- Access of recorded webinar for 45 days under your chase alpha account.
Part 1 | Positional Future

- By Vishvesh Chauhan
- Difficulty | Intermediate
- Technical Analysis & Derivatives Trading
- Recorded
- Recording Available
- Mix of Hindi & English
- 3999 INR
Learning Objective
In Market, every trader dreams of catching big moves.
Come, learn how to catch positional momentum stocks and ride them from Vishvesh chauhan.
This webinar will teach you how to scan stocks for big positional moves and ride them.
- Positional future trading
- Learn when to enter and exit trades.
- Learn how to ride big rallies
- Learn data analysis.
- Access of recorded webinar for 45 days under your chase alpha account.
Basic understanding of markets & and entry level knowledge of derivatives trading.
Part 2 | Intra-day Futures

- By Vishvesh Chauhan
- Difficulty | Intermediate
- Technical Analysis & Derivatives Trading
- Recorded
- Recording Available
- Mix of Hindi & English
- 3999 INR
Learning Objective
Do you want to know how professional traders trades Intraday momentum using futures.
Come, learn to take intraday futures trade by Vishvesh.
This webinar will teach you how to make fast money by trading intraday momentum using futures.
- Intrady Scalping using futures.
- Learn when to enter and exit trades.
- Learn data analysis.
- Access of recorded webinar for 45 days under your chase alpha account.
Basic understanding of markets & and entry level knowledge of derivatives trading.

- By Vishvesh Chauhan
- Difficulty | Intermediate
- Technical Analysis & Derivatives Trading
- Recorded
- Recording Available
- Mix of Hindi & English
- 3999 INR
Learning Objective
Who says that 70% of the time, option buyers loose their money?
Come, learn from Vishvesh Chauhan, how to make winning trades by options buying.
This webinar will teach you how to make winning trades by positional option buying.
- Positional option buying.
- Learn when to enter and exit trades.
- Learn how to ride big rallies
- Learn data analysis.
- Access of recorded webinar for 45 days under your chase alpha account.
Basic understanding of markets & and entry level knowledge of derivatives trading.
Part 4 | Intra-day Long Options

- By Vishvesh Chauhan
- Difficulty | Intermediate
- Technical Analysis & Derivatives Trading
- Recorded
- Recording Available
- Mix of Hindi & English
- 3999 INR
Learning Objective
Do you want to learn how to do intraday scalping using option buying. Come, learn from vishvesh Chauchan, how to scalp market in Intraday by buying options.
This webinar will teach you how to buy options intraday.
- Intraday option buying.
- Learn when to enter and exit trades.
- Learn data analysis.
- Access of recorded webinar for 45 days under your chase alpha account.
Basic understanding of markets & and entry level knowledge of derivatives trading.